The Immovable Center-Point of the Universe

Cover. South at Sunset [2020]. Photographer: haint_blue. 


This excerpt is replicated from Flatlantis [2020] by head of the International Flat Earth Research Society and author, Eric Dubay. 



Flatlantis is an exploration into the history of Flat Earth, the mythology of Atlantis, and the mystery of Mount Meru, the alleged magnetic mountain ancient cultures worldwide believed existed at the North Pole. Beginning with a complete history of the geocentric flat Earth cosmology and subsequent gradual adoption of the heliocentric globe Earth model, Flatlantis then delves into ancient polar mythologies, early polar history/cartography, modern polar expeditions, and the myriad problems with claims made by Cook, Peary, Byrd, Scott, Amundsen, and other explorers. Finally, in a metaphysical twist, the book ends with research into Freemasonry, Christian esotericism, the Atlantean legend, Kundalini Yoga, ancient advanced civilizations and how they are all intimately connected to the North Pole.



From the beginning of recorded history, and for thousands upon thousands of years, cultures across the entire world all believed the Earth was flat

Their various cosmologies and cosmogonies differed in slight ways but their overall geographies and astronomies were incredibly consistent and in fact virtually identical. The Earth was a stationary plane void of any motion or curvature, flat across its entire expanse except of course for hills, mountains and valleys. 

The North Pole was the magnetic mono-pole center-point of the flat Earth with Polaris, the North Pole star situated directly above. Polaris was the only motionless star in the heavens with all the other constellations revolving perfect circles over the Earth every night. 

The stars were divided into two categories known as the fixed stars and the wandering stars. The fixed stars were so-called because they were observed then as we can observe today: fixed in their constellation patterns night after night, year after year, century after century, never changing their relative positions. 

The wandering stars, what are today referred to as 'planets,' were so-called because they were observed then as we can observe today to wander the heavens taking their own unique spirograph-like patterns making both forward and retrograde motions over and around the Earth during their cycles.

The Sun and Moon were both of equal size and they too revolved over and around the motionless Earth as immortalised in the Chinese Yin Yang symbol. 

The Sun and Moon were much closer to Earth than supposed nowadays and each shined with their own unique opposite lights, the Sun’s being warm, golden, drying, preservative and antiseptic, and the Moon’s light being cold, silver, damp, putrefying and septic. 

The Sun and Moon as though connected to a magnetic maypole made alternating spiral journeys over and around the Earth every year. The Sun began its journey at the Tropic of Capricorn at the Winter Solstice where it made its fastest and largest circle over the Earth. 

For the next three months every day the Sun slightly narrowed its path and slowed its speed until by the Spring Equinox the Sun had spiraled its way from the Tropic of Capricorn to the equator. Then for the next three months again every day the Sun continued to slightly narrow its path and slow its speed until the Summer Solstice when the Sun made its smallest, slowest circle around the Tropic of Cancer. 

Once the Sun reached this innermost circle, like the ribbons and dancers around the maypole, the Sun would then begin its opposing, widening, quickening journey back to the Tropic of Capricorn. For the next three months every day the Sun slightly widened its path and hastened its speed until the Autumnal Equinox the Sun had spiraled its way from the Tropic of Cancer back to the equator. 


'So for ancient man, Earth and Polaris were the two immovable center-points of the Universe around which the Sun, Moon and other stars all revolved in a dome-like shape. Some cultures believed in a literal, physical solid dome or firmament to which the fixed stars were bound.'


Then for the next three months again every day the Sun continued to slightly widen its path and hasten its speed until the Winter Solstice when the Sun made its largest, fastest circle around the Tropic of Capricorn and the annual journey began again.

The Moon had a similar yearly path revolving over and around the Earth but unlike the Sun, which constantly changed its speed to keep a consistent 24 hour day, the Moon’s speed never changed so depending on its latitude the Moon was observed then as we can observe today: approximately 24.7 – 25 hours per cycle. 

This is why at different times and places during each month we can see the Moon in the morning, afternoon or night. This is also the origin of old fairy tales such as The Hare and the Hedgehog or The Tortoise and the Hare. 

The hare, like the Sun, begins the annual race full of energy, excitement and ego, declaring himself the definite winner and gets off to an immediate head-start. Meanwhile, equally confident in his seemingly lesser abilities, the humble, slow and steady tortoise Moon begins as well allowing the hare to lead. 

As the race carries on, the cocky hare tires and slows down or takes a nap at which point the tortoise overtakes him. This is analogous to the Moon reaching the Tropic of Cancer before the Sun each year and beginning its return journey. 

When the hare reaches this half-way point of the race he realises his lackluster attitude has resulted in being overtaken by the slower tortoise and begins to speed up again. Then for the remainder of the race, the Sun picks up speed day by day gaining on the Moon, but ultimately losing as the slow and steady tortoise reaches the finish-line before the hare and wins.

So for ancient man, Earth and Polaris were the two immovable center-points of the Universe around which the Sun, Moon and other stars all revolved in a dome-like shape. Some cultures believed in a literal, physical solid dome or firmament to which the fixed stars were bound.

Other cultures mythologised the axis mundi as the World Tree with Polaris at the center and all the other constellations forming the branches. In these flat Earth depictions the North Pole occupied the centerpoint, and 'South' was all straight lines extending outwards from there. 

East and West were not straight-lines as is assumed nowadays, but were in fact circles just like all lines of latitude and the paths of the celestial bodies. The southern circumference of Earth was surrounded by a gigantic wall of ice 150-200 feet above sea-level holding the interconnected oceans in like a world cup. 

Beyond the ice wall, some cultures claimed a firm barrier existed through which no human could penetrate. Other cultures believed there were entire worlds and other civilisations existing beyond the Antarctic ice.
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