The Rise of the Cryptocracy

Cover. The Temple of the Inscriptions ['House of the Nine Sharpened Spears'], Chiapas, Mexico ['683]. 


This text is an excerpt from Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, by independent scholar, author and non-conforming researcher, Michael A. Hoffman II [1957 - ].



From 007 to 2001, from Dealey Plaza to the Apollo Moon Flight, from the barrel of a Bulldog .44 to the corridors of the pyramids of Sirius; from the secret symbolism of Jack the Ripper to the public symbolism of the first atomic bomb blast, this work illuminates the crimes and command ideology of the masonic Cryptocracy, where ground zero meets the zero hour in a bestial crucible of ritual murder, human alchemy and demonic invasion.

Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare takes the reader to the core of a cosmic cryptogram, a dark Oz where the ancient fables become modern memes for the psychological contagion and devastation of humanity, and where the stratagem the author terms 'Revelation of the Method'; becomes the key to the finale of the mysteries of the ages.


Satan is the Ape of God

The sickle symbolises Saturn, also known as Chronos-Saturn or as the Greeks called it, Demiurgos, the operating engineer of the universe as opposed to the Creator of that universe. In the reign of Saturn we see exorbitant building and modeling activities and this is reflected in the masonic reference to their god as the 'Big Builder' or 'Architect.' This sounds reasonably attractive, many of us can appreciate magnificent buildings and splendid projects along those lines but as usual there is more to it than this. 

This Saturnian-masonic 'edifice-complex' ultimately is building against the grain, against nature, though at the beginning, in the early eras, nature's forces are manipulated with a knowledge which requires the greatest intimacy with her ways as reflected in the various megalithic structures in the British isles, Europe and ancient America. There is beauty, simplicity and power in this early technology and modern enthusiasts have mistaken the knowledge and sensitivity to natural forces intrinsic to this technology as indicative of a positive force at work. 

Actually, with some crucial exceptions, the rise of the megaliths marked the rise of the Hermetic Academy into its dominant physical phase. The theory is that the megaliths 'pin down' natural forces, helping to subdue nature's most savage furies. We marvel today at the Hoover Dam but that symbol-laden construction is but a crude parody of the technology of the megaliths which helped to 'dam' the wildest forces of nature. 

The construction of the megaliths, heralded by New Age types as marvels of ancient ingenuity and cooperation with nature are actually the first physical evidence of the end of Eden, of that period on earth when humanity lived as the servants and friends of God's natural creation, as nomads and hunter-gatherers. 

The error of modern enthusiasts for what they regard as the magical, Merlinesque, harmonious time of the Druids and Stonehenge is ignorance of the fact that the historical period they idolise was itself immersed in a tampering technology and materialism which essentially marked a revolutionary break with the natural order.

According to John Michell, '...the first revolution of Olympus marks the first deviation from the primeval ways of men...presided over by Cronus, otherwise Saturn.' This revolution marks the end of man's Edenic relationship with the natural world. Hence forward man is alienated from nature by means of the Saturnian 'scythe' which symbolises the sense of separation from God's natural creation that man experienced after the Fall. 


'The construction of the megaliths, heralded by New Age types as marvels of ancient ingenuity and cooperation with nature are actually the first physical evidence of the end of Eden, of that period on earth when humanity lived as the servants and friends of God's natural creation, as nomads and hunter-gatherers.'


Man began his peregrination ['long journey']away from Eden through his conceit that he would 'become as god.' Yet, as soon as he left the Divine Plan for the occult process his stated objective became the Kabbalistic tikkun olam or 'repair of the world,' via the intervention and imposition of human brain power - the very ego-maniacal device that caused the separation from God's natural Eden in the first place. Repair of the world indeed - a world the Kabbalists had only just ruined! 

After the Saturnian division, Hermetic man saw himself as separate and, inevitably, above nature, though always quick to identify himself as nature's benign shepherd. This mighty, occult shepherd-king figure has emerged in history under the forms of Arthur, Merlin, Pendragon, and Prestor John. He is the personification of the manipulation of nature by secret technology on behalf of a secret hierarchy which, if known at all, is always careful to present itself as the supreme friend of divine creation. 

If the expulsion from the Garden of Eden - that is to say the literal alteration of man's circumstance of living solely upon God's bounty and providence - was the result of Satanic intervention, why has it not dawned on us that civilisation is itself Satanic? 

In the Hermetic-masonic tradition the secret identity of Satan is the force represented in occult lore as emanating from the star Sirius, the so-called dog star, Canis major. In the secret tradition of the Freemasons, Sirius is overwhelmingly identified with a single primary attribute, the bringing of civilisation to earth. 

The heirs of this magical current were saluted by the Illuminist and master-alchemist Comenius in his 1668 book The Way of Light, dedicated to the first scientific organisation in Western history, Britain's august Royal Society. In it, Comenius addressed the first formal scientists as 'illuminati' and outlined their scientific purpose, '...which is to secure... the empire of the human mind over matter.' 

In a key Rosicrucian* description of the City of Utopia it is shown to be dominated by science and mechanics and more ominously, by the medical dissection of cadavers, in other words by the hyper-analytical obsession of Rationalism with dead matter and measurement. 

* rosicrucian [n.] a member of a secretive 17th- and 18th-century society devoted to the study of metaphysical, mystical, and alchemical lore.

The 'Utopian' city of the Rosicrucians is before us today: New York and Los Angeles - Babylon the Great. And it was planned in 1668 and long before. 

We have forgotten the depth of the roots of the modern disease. We have accepted the pop-pap than anything that pre-dated the more obvious rapacity of modern industrial pollution was natural or magical [the notion of magic being identified with the pristine]. Hence we have denied ourselves knowledge of the beginning of the rise of the cryptocracy. John Michell: 

'It is their immediate concern, having eaten of the tree of knowledge, to apply all their newly acquired arts to constructing a facsimile of the Garden, a model paradise...'

But there already was an architecture prior to man's imposition of his structures and interventions, this was the architecture of the natural landscape as shaped by God. To claim that to have left it as it was would have been barbarous and backward is symptomatic of the diseased occult mind and its gigantic egotistical pathology. 


'... there already was an architecture prior to man's imposition of his structures and interventions, this was the architecture of the natural landscape as shaped by God. To claim that to have left it as it was would have been barbarous and backward is symptomatic of the diseased occult mind and its gigantic egotistical pathology.' 


As long as it was left as God created it, it was paradise. Due to our blindness we feverishly cooperate with the imposition upon the earth of our own version of 'Eden' which always ends in the creation of Babylon, of hell on earth. Historian John Michell:

'Settlement leads to the establishment of social hierarchies, to specialisation, the development of arts and sciences, the building of temples and houses. For millions of years men, essentially the same as we are now, lived without these and presumably without feeling the need for them... Tacitus described a German tribe that lived entirely without artificial shelter... the phenomenon of successive towns built around the same sacred place, the spirit of which became the foundation deity, receiving the sacrifices offered in expiation of the crime of settlement and giving the law by which the city was governed. Implicit in this law was a contract between man and God by which the first was permitted a conditional [and limited] use of land for agriculture and building in return for duties and observances paid to the second. So it was understood by the founding fathers of cities. 

'But as cities expand these limitations become more onerous and neglected with the result that, in the language of apocalypse, the becomes Babylon, the parasitic whore and proceeds toward destruction. In this belief the... [traditional] element in ancient Rome objected to... expansion beyond the original city boundaries, considering it a breach of the foundation contract. 

'Such counsels were of course ignored, and in consequence Rome, following the career of all previous empires, became Babylon indeed... civilisation tends to grow more elaborate and to make ever greater demands on the earth that sustains it. There comes a time when the old natural devotion to the earth... is exchanged for... the desire to increase the products of the earth by artificially stimulating its fertility. This stage is marked in history by the appearance of sun gods... divinities of reason, intellect and centralised government, whose legends refer always to their victories over dragons... [i.e. nature].'

This policy of 'artificially increasing the earth's fertility and multiplying the gifts of its spirit, instead of accepting what is given by nature,' is evident in the staking of the earth in symbolism, as is seen in the motif of the knight spearing the dragon, which is sometimes viewed as the pinnacle of the victory of light over dark. 

But we should also be aware that there is an alternate, occult reading of this image. This Arthurian symbol has been celebrated by pagans and Freemasons as a sign of man's usurpation of natural creation. The staking process is seen by them as a means to 'pin down' the heretofore flowing character of the energy of creation, so as to be harnessed and bled by Stonehenge-like technology, in order to give greater and greater resources to man. Michell: 

'The appearance of the sun god signals the introduction of a technology that aims to alter the natural channels of the earth spirit and to stimulate its energies for the benefit of an increasingly large settled population... From all that has recently been discovered about the scientific knowledge and methods of the megalith builders, it appears that their system was in the magical tradition of Egypt, Babylon and the ancient East... At Delphi, by spearing the serpent and localising its energies, Apollo raised the productivity of the oracle... Every ancient standing stone is like the omphalos in the Temple of Apollo, driven into the head of the telluric serpent current, fixing and augmenting the [earth] energies which had formerly fluctuated. 

'Yet in the end the system became onerous and ineffective, demanding at least as much from the people as it gave in return... Here is revealed the inevitable betrayal by any institutionalised system of technology of the people who have come to depend on it... The land [had] become more productive, the people richer and more numerous - until, under the influence of cyclical changes in the heavens, the flow of spirit began to withdraw from the temples and take other paths. 

'The latter-day priests, having neglected the principles of the old astronomical science by which the temples were first sited and planned, and no longer sensitive to the earth's spiritual energies, could only resort to more frantic invocations, attended by ever increasing sacrifice, in attempts to repeat the former results. And thus followed, as it has on many occasions and at many places over the world, a reaction against the artificial and ever more futile proceedings of the magicians and a return to simpler ways.'

It is at this juncture in history that the pre-Christian people of Europe were Christianised. The willingness of these hardy, comparatively far more natural and attuned people than we moderns, to render themselves susceptible to Christianity is misunderstood today. 

The assumption is that Christianity simply deceived and coerced the hardy pre-Christian Europeans into the fold. But early Christians like St. Patrick were accepted because they rid the pagan people of what Michell terms, 'the final excesses of a degenerate priesthood, whose altars demanded ever more sacrificial blood before they could evoke response' from the 'earth energies.' 

Michell's nostalgia for the 'old astronomical science' of the Saturnian magicians who supposedly did the rituals properly, is misplaced. Manipulation is manipulation, whether clever and precise as in earlier times, or lazy and forgetful as in the era when it would be overthrown by Celtic Christianity's gospel of simplicity. 

Mr. Michell can't bring himself to unambiguously condemn the original tamperers, the ones who, after all, started the whole journey to Babylon and hell on earth in the first place. These mystical Adams and Eves are referred to by Michell as 'good people' attempting to re-create heaven on earth on the Saturnian model of a 'golden age.' 

But John Michell ought to know that paradise existed once on earth and was destroyed by these 'good people.' Attempts to artificially re-build it are not only the height of artifice and insanity but also, as Arthur Machen and H.P. Lovecraft hinted, perhaps indicative of something far more ominous: preparation of the earth for reinhabitation by demonic entities once expelled. 


'... paradise existed once on earth and was destroyed by these 'good people.' Attempts to artificially re-build it are not only the height of artifice and insanity but also, as Arthur Machen and H.P. Lovecraft hinted, perhaps indicative of something far more ominous: preparation of the earth for reinhabitation by demonic entities once expelled.'


The mythical Satanic bringer of civilisation to earth was supposed to be an alien from the star system Sirius, around whom the Egyptians and all subsequent Hermetic systems constructed their elaborate and obsessive religio-astronomic observances. This star Sirius also served as an astronomic secret code, an allegory of the illusory quality and inherent 'trickiness' of the material world. 

In astronomic magnitude, Sirius is approximately thirty-five times brighter than our sun. It is regarded in the highest occult circles as analogous to the 'hidden god of the cosmos,' for, just as the star Sirius' true magnitude is dwarfed by the sun of our solar system by means of the illusion generated by distance, so too is the influence of Satan in the world obscured behind a welter of churches and lip-service to the teachings of Christ. 

The emblem of the All-Seeing Eye above the unfinished pyramid is the representation of the eye of Sirius, of its omniscient surveillance. It would be difficult to exaggerate the fanatical degree of attachment the priesthood of Egypt and all subsequent related Hermetic traditions had for Sirius. The entire calendar year of the Egyptians was based upon the rising times of this star. 

'The heliacal rising of Sirius was so important to the ancient Egyptians... that gigantic temples were constructed with their main aisles oriented precisely towards the spot on the horizon where Sirius would appear... The light of Sirius would be channeled along the corridor [due to the precise orientation] to flood the altar in the inner sanctum as if a pin-pointed spotlight had been switched on. 

'This blast of light focused from a single star was possible because of the orientation being so incredibly precise and because the temple would be otherwise in total darkness within. In a huge, utterly dark temple, the light of one star focused solely on the altar must have made quite an impact on those present. [Robert K.G. Temple, The Sirius Mystery, Futura paperback edition, p. 87]. 

According to the astronomer John A. Eddy, the rock circle located near Lovell, Wyoming, known as the Big Horn Medicine Wheel is aligned with the rising of Sirius [Astronomical Alignment of the Big Horn Medicine Wheel, Science, June 7, 1974]. 


'This blast of light focused from a single star was possible because of the orientation being so incredibly precise and because the temple would be otherwise in total darkness within. In a huge, utterly dark temple, the light of one star focused solely on the altar must have made quite an impact on those present.

- Robert K. G. Temple


'The heliacal rising of Sirius was also important to other ancient peoples. Here is a description by the ancient Greek poet Aratus... of the rising of Sirius [often known as the Dog Star as it is in the constellation Canis, or Dog]: 'The tip of his [the Dog's] terrible jaw is marked by a star that keenest of all blazes with a searing flame and him men call Sirius.' 

'Throughout Latin literature there are many references to the 'Dog Days' which followed the heliacal rising of Sirius in the summer. These hot, parched days were thought by that time to derive some of their ferocity and dryness from the 'searing' of Sirius.' [Temple, pp. 87-88]. 

Further on in this study we shall see that a key ritual sacrifice intended to imprint the Group Mind of the masses of the 1970s - the Son of Sam serial murders - involved the widely disseminated claim that the 'mad' killer[s] had taken orders from a dog named Sam. The capture of one of the killers in the cult, David Berkowitz, coincided with the coming of the Dog Days of summer, August, 1977. 

In Satanist Albert Pike's eighth degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, the focus of worship is on the 'blazing star' as symbolised by the pentagram and Pike identifies Sirius, in his Morals and Dogma, as the grand builder of architecture. 

John Michell: 'The alchemists aimed to recapture the spirit of Mercurius as the mobile agent in their operations, and they spoke of 'fixing' it, using the imagery of the stake driven through the earth serpent, by which means their predecessors, alchemists of elemental cosmic forces, had attempted to raise the subtle spirit of the earth. All these good people shared the noblest ambition, to invoke again the golden age on earth. 

'No doubt in time they did much to promote human convenience and comfort, and civilisations have been humanised by such efforts; but their falls have thereby only been delayed. For the human spirit, like the spirit of the earth, is a natural wanderer and does not forever accept domesticity. 

'Attempts to fix nature's volatile principle will always be made; and the spirit may for a time accept the ways imposed upon it by human nature in its material aspect. But sooner or later it will prefer its own ways, and will take them, whatever obstacles are put in its path.' [All John Michell quotations are from his book, The Earth Spirit, Crossroad Publishing Company]. 

So we observe that Saturn and his 'golden age' architecture [both mental and physical], came only after the end of Eden, after Saturn-Sirius had separated the unity of heaven and earth by means of his fateful sickle. What do we have behind the cover story about a worker's paradise in the Soviet Union? We have the sickle, the very occult symbol of the bisection of heaven and earth, the very symbol of the destruction of Eden by demonic, accelerated material and temporal decay and false philosophies which generate division [between humanity's sense of itself and identification with God's divine creation] under cover of slogans of unity. 

In other words we have a grotesque mockery of the very principle touted. This macabre arrogance borders on the clownish for those initiates [or self-initiates] who have the wit to see it.
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